Unit No : DS600 (0~5)
Slot No : DS600 의 슬롯번호 (0~5)
Channel No : 해당 슬롯내의 채널번호 (1~10)
##PORT(34150 : RS-232-C, Max200byte, 1connection,ASC+BINARY)
##PORT(34151 : Data read, Max200byte, 4connection,ASC+BINARY)
##PORT(34159 : Communication Condition , max200byte, 1connection,ASC)
wlog : waring log
con : active connection
net : network infomation
ETp1<terminator> | setting time out | 타임아웃설정
*각파라미터는 콤마(,)로 구분을 짓고 <terminator> 는 CR+LF , LF 중 아무거나 써도 무방하다
*명령어를 붙일경우에는 세미콜론(;)을 이용해서 붙인다
SDp1,p2 | set date time | 시간설정
p1 = YY/MM/DD
p2 = HH:MM:SS
[setting command]
SRp1,p2 : sets the range : op
->예제) SR001-60,VOLT,2V : 1~60번채널을 VOLT 2v 로 subnit =0
SRp1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9:Setting Scaling
p1:channel number
p3:type of input(VOLT,TC,RTD,DI)
p4:measument Range
p5:Left value of span
p6:right value of span
p7:Left value of Scale(-30000 to 30000)
p8:right value of Sacle(-30000 to 30000)
p9:Decimal point position of scale(0 to 4)
SNp1,p2 : sets the scale unit : op
p1 : channel number : 001 to 560
p2 : unit 문자열
SAp1,p2,p3,p4,p5 : sets the alam : op
p1 : channel number (001 to 560)
p2 : level(1to4)
p3 : type of alam (OFF, H , L, dH, dL, RH, RL)
p4 : alam value
p5 : output relay number (off or relay number)
SDp1,p2 : set date and time : op
p1 : date yy/mm/dd
p2 : time hh:mm:ss
->ex) SD96/01/01,13:00:00
SVp1,p2 : Sets a moving average
p1 : channdel number (001 to 560)
p2 : number of moving averages (0 to 64) 0 = off
->ex) SV001,64 : 서브유닛0,채널01번의 MAverage 값을 64회로 지정한다.
XVp1 : Sets the measurement period : st | 측정주기설정
p1 : interval ( 0.5 , 1 , 2 ,3 , 4 ,5 , 6 , 10 ,12 ,15 , 20 , 30 , or 60)
->Ex) XV10;
XTp1 : Sets the temperatur unit : st : 온도단위를 설정
p1 : C,F
->Ex) XTC
[Control Execution Command]
->ex) AR0 : op : 실행중인 알람을 RESET
->ex) IR0 : op : 실행중인 타이머를 RESET
->ex) RS0 : op : system reconstrcunt : 시스템재구성
[data output request command]
TSp1 : selects the output data. | op
0:measured data output 1:setting data output 2:unit data output
5:system configuration data output 9:setting data output int setup mode
FMp1,p2,p3 : setlects the output format for measured data | op
0:output measeured data in ASCII format,
1:output measured data in binary format.
2:output computed data in ASCII format.
3:output computed data in ASCII format.
p2 : first output channel (001 to 560)
p3 : last output channel (001 to 560)
[ get data]
EFp1,p2,p3 : outputs the measured/computed data in binary format
p1 : data to be output
(0: output onley the measured/computed data, 1:output the measured/compueted data and alam data)
p2 : first channle to output (001 to 560)
p3 : last channel to output (001 to 560)
ELp1,p2 : channel for outputting unit and decimal point information and outputs it is ascii format
p1 ; frst channel
p2 : last channel
Slot No : DS600 의 슬롯번호 (0~5)
Channel No : 해당 슬롯내의 채널번호 (1~10)
##PORT(34150 : RS-232-C, Max200byte, 1connection,ASC+BINARY)
##PORT(34151 : Data read, Max200byte, 4connection,ASC+BINARY)
##PORT(34159 : Communication Condition , max200byte, 1connection,ASC)
wlog : waring log
con : active connection
net : network infomation
ETp1<terminator> | setting time out | 타임아웃설정
*각파라미터는 콤마(,)로 구분을 짓고 <terminator> 는 CR+LF , LF 중 아무거나 써도 무방하다
*명령어를 붙일경우에는 세미콜론(;)을 이용해서 붙인다
SDp1,p2 | set date time | 시간설정
p1 = YY/MM/DD
p2 = HH:MM:SS
[setting command]
SRp1,p2 : sets the range : op
->예제) SR001-60,VOLT,2V : 1~60번채널을 VOLT 2v 로 subnit =0
SRp1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9:Setting Scaling
p1:channel number
p3:type of input(VOLT,TC,RTD,DI)
p4:measument Range
p5:Left value of span
p6:right value of span
p7:Left value of Scale(-30000 to 30000)
p8:right value of Sacle(-30000 to 30000)
p9:Decimal point position of scale(0 to 4)
SNp1,p2 : sets the scale unit : op
p1 : channel number : 001 to 560
p2 : unit 문자열
SAp1,p2,p3,p4,p5 : sets the alam : op
p1 : channel number (001 to 560)
p2 : level(1to4)
p3 : type of alam (OFF, H , L, dH, dL, RH, RL)
p4 : alam value
p5 : output relay number (off or relay number)
SDp1,p2 : set date and time : op
p1 : date yy/mm/dd
p2 : time hh:mm:ss
->ex) SD96/01/01,13:00:00
SVp1,p2 : Sets a moving average
p1 : channdel number (001 to 560)
p2 : number of moving averages (0 to 64) 0 = off
->ex) SV001,64 : 서브유닛0,채널01번의 MAverage 값을 64회로 지정한다.
XVp1 : Sets the measurement period : st | 측정주기설정
p1 : interval ( 0.5 , 1 , 2 ,3 , 4 ,5 , 6 , 10 ,12 ,15 , 20 , 30 , or 60)
->Ex) XV10;
XTp1 : Sets the temperatur unit : st : 온도단위를 설정
p1 : C,F
->Ex) XTC
[Control Execution Command]
->ex) AR0 : op : 실행중인 알람을 RESET
->ex) IR0 : op : 실행중인 타이머를 RESET
->ex) RS0 : op : system reconstrcunt : 시스템재구성
[data output request command]
TSp1 : selects the output data. | op
0:measured data output 1:setting data output 2:unit data output
5:system configuration data output 9:setting data output int setup mode
FMp1,p2,p3 : setlects the output format for measured data | op
0:output measeured data in ASCII format,
1:output measured data in binary format.
2:output computed data in ASCII format.
3:output computed data in ASCII format.
p2 : first output channel (001 to 560)
p3 : last output channel (001 to 560)
[ get data]
EFp1,p2,p3 : outputs the measured/computed data in binary format
p1 : data to be output
(0: output onley the measured/computed data, 1:output the measured/compueted data and alam data)
p2 : first channle to output (001 to 560)
p3 : last channel to output (001 to 560)
ELp1,p2 : channel for outputting unit and decimal point information and outputs it is ascii format
p1 ; frst channel
p2 : last channel
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MX100 API Function List (0) | 2011.11.24 |